Podcast PTA FUNK: Einfach Englisch lernen – Allergy

Customer: Hello, I’d like some more of these eyedrops, please – and perhaps you could give me some advice?
PTA: Yes, of course. What’s the problem?
Customer: Well, my husband suffers from hay fever. He’s allergic to birch and hazelnut and he’s recently developed a cross allergy to apples and nuts.
PTA: That’s not unusual; their protein forms are very similar and the body reacts to both chemical structures.
Customer: Yes, that’s clear but we have a small son. He’s four months old and with regard to allergies, there are so many different opinions about what foods he should or shouldn’t have that I’m confused. I don’t want him to develop any if I can help it.
PTA: Oh right. Due to new research data, the outlook has changed completely over the last few years. Now parents are recommended not to avoid food allergens.
Customer: Which foods are we talking about?
PTA: Dairy, eggs, wheat, nuts, carrots and fish for example can be gradually introduced to the baby’s menu, starting between the beginning of the fifth month and the seventh month.
Customer: I also heard that after a caesarean birth, babies are more susceptible to allergies. Is that true?
PTA: Yes, c-section delivery prevents babies from receiving the beneficial germs in their mother’s microbiome and this affects the development of their immune system.
Customer: So, I need to be especially careful?
PTA: By the time your baby’s a year old, the gut microbiota should be developing normally.
Customer: So how do I go about feeding him solids?
PTA: Only introduce one new food allergen at a time and best is about three times a week. If that food is tolerated, you can try another.
Customer: What should I watch out for?
PTA: A rash that appears suddenly or if there is swelling of the lips and face, then stop and wait a week or two before trying again.
Customer: Are there any other foods I should avoid?
PTA: Yes, there are some general recommendations that concern all babies and toddlers: raw fish and mould-ripened soft cheeses should be avoided because of possible food infections. Salt should be restricted as much as possible because of the kidneys. Similar advice applies to sugar.
Customer: OK – and one more question: my parents have had a dog for nine years now and my son adores her. Is she an allergy risk?
PTA: If there is a family disposition as in your case, living with cats is not recommended - according to the allergy information service -, whereas dogs may even reduce the risk of allergies.
Customer: Thank you very much. I feel much more confident now.
PTA: You’re welcome. Have a nice day.
Jetzt lesen und fortbilden!
Hier finden Sie den Artikel Allergy: Lack of Tolarance aus unserer Serie English for PTA und die passende zertifizierte Fortbildung zu Allergie.
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