Podcast PTA FUNK: Einfach Englisch lernen – Antibiotics

PTA: Good afternoon, can I help you?
Customer: Yes, please. I have a prescription here for some antibiotics. They’re for my 13-year-old daughter. The doctor has diagnosed a strep throat.
PTA: Ah yes, Amoxicillin. I’ll get it for you. Here you are; to be taken twice a day for 10 days.
Customer: Is it really necessary that she takes them?
PTA: Streptococcus bacteria can cause inflammation of the kidneys, rheumatic fever or heart damage, and that can be prevented with antibiotics.
Customer: But why for so long? Does she have to keep taking them even if she feels better after a few days?
PTA: Absolutely! Streptococci often hide in the back of the throat and if she stops taking the medication, the bacteria will start to multiply again making her prone to reinfection. Also, the bacteria that regrow are likely to be resistant to the prescribed antibiotic.
Customer: What consequences would that have?
PTA: Well, unfortunately there are only a limited number of antibiotics available, so if bacteria become resistant, it means there will be fewer possibilities to treat them in the future.
Customer: Oh, I see. Will there be any side effects?
PTA: There may be a few mild ones such as nausea, runny stools or diar-rhoea. They are listed on the information sheet but they’re usually nothing to worry about. It is also possible that an itchy rash with spots or small bumps may appear. In this case you should contact your doctor just to be on the safe side. Only one percent of the population is actually allergic to antibiotics such as amoxicillin. Has there ever been this kind of reaction in your family?
Customer: No, fortunately I have never heard of that. What else do I need to know?
PTA: Your daughter should follow the directions and take the tablets on time exactly as prescribed, and with a big glass of tap water not only a mouthful. Stomach trouble can be prevented if the medication is taken at mealtimes. Food will not impair the effectiveness of the antibiotic as is sometimes the case with other substances.
Customer: Thank you. Oh, I’ve just remembered; I’ve got some antibiotics leftover from a cystitis infection. The use-by-date hasn’t been reached yet. Can they be used for something else?
PTA: No, prescribed medication should never be kept or used for anything else, whether its expiry date has been reached or not. There are differ-ent categories of antibiotics and they are prescribed by medical profession-als solely with the treatment of a particular patient in mind. Leftover medication should always be correctly disposed of. In your case, you can put the tablets into the residual waste.
Customer: Thank you very much for your help.
PTA: You’re welcome. I wish your daughter a speedy recovery.
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Hier finden Sie den Artikel Antibiotics: Aiming at the Target aus unserer Serie English for PTA und die passende zertifizierte Fortbildung Antibiotika.