Podcast PTA FUNK: Einfach Englisch lernen – Diabetes Type 2

(jup) Unsere aktuelle Folge der Serie English for PTA beschäftigt sich mit Typ-2-Diabetes. Hören Sie den Dialog zwischen PTA und Kundin zum Umgang mit der Diagnose Diabetes. Frischen Sie Ihre Englischkenntnisse rund um das Thema Blutzucker auf. Eingelesen haben den Dialog Native Speakerin Jane Funke und ihre Tochter. Listen and repeat!


PTA Podcast Englisch
© Foto: Mone Beeck


Customer: Good morning, is it okay if I ask you a few questions?

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PTA: Yes, of course – fire away!

Customer: I’ve just been diagnosed with diabetes type 2. What is that exactly?

PTA: Diabetes is when the glucose in your blood builds up instead of being used as energy. In type 2, there is usually enough insulin but the body’s cells cannot use it properly.

Customer: And what causes it?

PTA: It’s mainly due to lifestyle factors and genetics. Being overweight, an unsuitable diet and lack of exercise over a long time can all affect the function of the pancreas. People with a family predisposition have an increased risk of diabetes.

Customer: Is it life-threatening?

PTA: Well, if left untreated, it can result in serious health complications such as heart disease, nerve damage, loss of sight and so on.

Customer: Can it be cured?

PTA: At the moment, there is no cure for diabetes but a lot of research is being carried out, so maybe someday there will be.

Customer: My doctor has told me to make some lifestyle changes and then come back in three months, when she’ll decide how to proceed. What does she expect me to do?

PTA: First of all, you need to focus on diet and exercise. Eating a healthy diet, being physically active and losing weight will help to normalize or control blood sugar levels. Try to aim for a minimum of three hours of activity a week. These measures might even be enough. If not, the next phase of treatment is taking medication. Additionally, your doctor will refer you to a certified diabetes educator who will help you. As far as your medication is concerned, we will support you as much as we can.

Customer: Will I have to take insulin?

PTA: It’s possible later on but at the beginning you will start with oral medication, such as metformin. The tablets are taken with or after meals. Nowadays, there are many new drugs available, that may delay or prevent the need for insulin. And sometimes patients are given more than one medicine, in order to use different metabolic pathways.

Customer: Is there anything else I need to consider, apart from changing my lifestyle?

PTA: Test your blood sugar at regular intervals and get eyes and feet checked at least once a year. Would you like me to give you some written information and send you some email links? There is a lot of information available on the Web but not all of it is valid or reliable.

Customer: Yes, please. That would be very helpful. Thank you!

PTA: You’re welcome.

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PTA FUNK, der Podcast von DAS PTA MAGAZIN, beleuchtet Themen, die PTA interessieren. Egal, ob zuhause auf dem Sofa oder in der Bahn: Klicken Sie auf unsere Webseite, und hören Sie zu. Natürlich können Sie PTA FUNK auch über Apple und Google Podcast, Spotify, Deezer, Amazon Music, Samsung Podcast und Podimo hören. Diese Episode dauert 4:24 Minuten.

Hier finden Sie den Artikel Diabetes Type 2: Consequences of an Overloaded Pancreas aus unserer Serie English for PTA und die passende zertifizierte Fortbildung Typ-2-Diabetes.

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