Podcast PTA FUNK: Einfach Englisch lernen – Hypertension

Customer: Good afternoon, I have a prescription here for a skin cream and I’d like to ask you a few questions if I may.
PTA: Yes, of course.
Customer: My son, who is 17 has been diagnosed with hypertension or elevated blood pressure and yet he has no symptoms at all. Is that normal?
PTA: Absolutely. That is one of the most dangerous facts about hypertension and the main reason why it kills thousands every year.
Customer: I thought it was something that mainly affected older people.
PTA: Unfortunately, not. In recent years there has been an increase of hypertension in kids and teens.
Customer: Why is that?
PTA: It’s got a lot to do with changes in lifestyle - poor diet, too much salt, sugary drinks, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, just to name a few.
Customer: So, what can I do about it?
PTA: Help him to develop healthy eating habits with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and to avoid foods with high amounts of sodium. Most people consume more than 3 g of sodium per day. The recommended amount is 2,4 g a day, but less than 2 g is better. This corresponds to one teaspoon of common salt.
Customer: Which foods are high in sodium?
PTA: Mainly the processed foods that teens like to eat: fast foods, pizza. They’re okay once in a while but they shouldn’t be eaten on a regular basis. The same applies to fizzy sugary drinks and concentrated fruit juice. And it is not common knowledge that effervescent tablets usually contain a considerable amount of sodium.
Customer: I try to set a good example but it’s not easy with a boy that age.
PTA: Is he overweight?
Customer: No, but he’s not slim either. He was prescribed tablets called ramipril for his high blood pressure. I was really shocked. What does he need to know about taking them?
PTA: Ramipril is usually taken once a day, regardless of food, just with a glass of water. It is best if it is always taken at the same time and it is unlikely that it will impair his daily routine.To consider another aspect: Does your son get enough exercise and enough sleep?
Customer: Since he stopped doing martial arts, he hasn’t found a suitable alternative and I’m not sure how much sleep he gets these days. He’s often still playing a computer game when I go to bed.
PTA: 60 minutes of physical activity a day in order to give the heart a chance to beat faster, are recommended for your son’s age group. Excess screen time is also associated with inadequate sleep and weight gain. Perhaps you can find some fun activities instead?
Customer: We all enjoy playing family games. Maybe we should do it more often. What else should I consider?
PTA. Tell your son to avoid smoking and alcohol and make sure his blood pressure is monitored on a regular basis.
Customer: I will. Thank you very much.
PTA: You’re welcome.
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Hier finden Sie den Artikel Hypertension: Ups and Downs aus unserer Serie English for PTA und die passende zertifizierte Fortbildung Antihypertonika.