Podcast PTA FUNK: Einfach Englisch lernen – Overweight

Customer: Good afternoon, I’ve gained weight over the last few months and some of my clothes don’t fit me anymore. I’ve worked out that my BMI is 26.5 and that it could endanger my health if it gets any higher. What can I do?
PTA: Unfortunately, there is no magic potion. The most important thing is to take your time. Losing weight too fast is exhausting and often defeats the object.
Customer: What do you suggest?
PTA: The best results come from setting yourself an achievable goal and changing your eating habits perma- nently.
Customer: What would that involve?
PTA: Eat slowly and reduce your fat intake to a maximum of 20 percent of the total number of calories. Between 1500 and 1800 calories would be a sensible amount to start with, con-sidering your size and weight.
Customer: Can’t I cut out fat altogether?
PTA: No, that would have the opposite effect. Your body would go into survival mode and hang on to every gram it has. Also, if you keep too strict a regime, it would result in binging and make you angry with yourself.
Customer: What kind of foods should I eat?
PTA: Eat wholefoods that are rich in fibre, plenty of vegetables and fresh fruit and use healthy oils such as olive. Be careful with the fruit and don’t eat too much as many varieties contain a considerable amount of sugar, whereas you may eat as many vegetables as you like.
Try to stick to 3 meals a day. It’s good for the body to have at least 3 hours between meals and it’s better to eat more early in the day and less later on. Avoid processed food as it contains a lot of hidden sugar and salt. Fluids are important too and you should drink plenty of water, preferably 2 litres a day.
Customer: Does it have to be water?
PTA: Fruit teas and herbal infusions are good if you prefer something warm. Sugary beverages should be kept to a minimum. And you should get on average at least 30 minutes of physical exercise a day. Walk or cy-cle; avoid using lifts and escalators. Take the stairs instead.
Customer: A friend told me that there are injections nowadays to help lose weight.
PTA: That’s true but that is definitely not an option in your case. They are used for patients with obesity and their prescription is connected to certain conditions. So, your health insurance wouldn’t pay for them.
Customer: Oh, I’d hoped it would be easier.
PTA: No, sorry but maybe a formula diet meal replacement would be worth trying. It would help by providing clearly defined meals without hav- ing to count calories or anything else. It starts with a trial period and then a long-term plan. You can also replace just one daily meal with a formula diet, preferably in the evening. Concerning the loss of weight, I suggest you start a journal. Write down everything you eat and drink and then come back in a fortnight and we’ll go through it together.
Customer: That’s a good idea. Should I weigh myself every day?
PTA: Once a week is best, preferably at the same time of day.
Customer: Ok, thank you very much. I’ll see you in two weeks.
PTA: You’re welcome. Good luck! And I’ll just take your phone number if I may.
Customer: Yes, of course.
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