Podcast PTA FUNK: Einfach Englisch lernen – Travelling Medication

(jup) Unsere aktuelle Folge der Serie English for PTA beschäftigt sich mit Reisekrankheiten. Eine Kundin plant eine Reise nach Südostasien und lässt sich zur passenden Reiseapotheke beraten. Hören Sie den Dialog zwischen PTA und Kundin und frischen Ihre Englischkenntnisse auf. Eingelesen haben den Dialog Native Speakerin Jane Funke und ihre Tochter. Listen and repeat!


PTA Podcast Englisch
© Foto: Mone Beeck


PTA: Good afternoon, can I help you?

Customer: Yes, please. I’d like some help with what goes into a travel first aid kit.

PTA: Yes, of course. Do you have a specific destination in mind?

Customer: I’m going on a 28-day tour of Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia.

PTA: Wow, that sounds great! Have you arranged an appointment with a travel medicine specialist?

Customer: No – is that necessary?

PTA: It’s a good safety precaution. Your itinerary will be reviewed, required immunization checked and preventative measures discussed to avoid getting diseases transmitted by insects.

Customer: So, I may need vaccinations?

PTA: Just a moment, please, I’ll check for you. Yes, immunization against hepatitis A, tetanus, diphtheria and rabies is generally recommended. Where special risks are involved, even more vaccinations are indicated - perhaps a prophylactic malaria medication, too.

Customer: Okay, when should I see the specialist?

PTA: This depends on your current vaccination state but you should reckon with at least six to eight weeks ahead of your trip. You have to allow time for your body to build up its protection.

Customer: Right, I’ll organize that immediately. What else do I need?

PTA: Diarrhoea is the most frequent problem, so you’ll need something for that and rehydration salts as well. Painkillers such as ibuprofen, paracetamol or aspirin are a must and maybe oral
antibiotics in case of ear, nose, throat or urinary infections. Your doctor would have to prescribe those. Do you get travel sickness?

Customer: Not normally but various types of transport are included in the tour.

PTA: Then, I’d take a medicine for that to be on the safe side. A hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol or antibacterial handwipes are useful, as are water purification tablets.

Customer: I have no intention of drinking water that isn’t bottled.

PTA: Good. Stay clear of ice cubes, diluted drinks and raw foods. The chances of them being contaminated is quite high.

Customer: Yes, hopefully our tour guide will help us with those.

PTA: You should take sufficient insect repellent. For your planned trip, you will need an active ingredient that we abbreviate DEET. I usually don’t recommend that in Europe because of its toxic potential but in tropical countries with a considerable risk of malaria its effectiveness outweighs the other aspects. You aren’t pregnant, aren’t you?

Customer: No, I’m not pregnant and there are no infants travelling with us. Many thanks for you for your explanation. Can you show me some sunscreen that is suitable for the climate in Southeast Asia?

PTA: Certainly. Good, then the other things you’ll need are an antiseptic wound cleaner, dressings and what goes into a regular first aid kit: gauze, tweezers, scissors, disposable gloves, face masks and a digital thermometer.

Customer: I have most of those at home. Can we assemble all the other things you mentioned?

PTA: Yes, of course. We’ll start with loperamide for diarrhoea.

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PTA FUNK, der Podcast von DAS PTA MAGAZIN, beleuchtet Themen, die PTA interessieren. Egal, ob zuhause auf dem Sofa oder in der Bahn: Klicken Sie auf unsere Webseite, und hören Sie zu. Natürlich können Sie PTA FUNK auch über Apple Podcast, Spotify, Deezer, Amazon Music, Samsung Podcast und Podimo hören. Diese Episode dauert 5:13 Minuten.

Jetzt lesen und fortbilden!

Hier finden Sie ab Juli den Artikel Travelling Medication: Prepared to Tour aus unserer Serie English for PTA und die passende zertifizierte Fortbildung Reisekrankheiten.

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