Serie English for PTA: Travelling Medication

Planning a trip, whether it’s a weekend getaway or an extended vacation, requires thoughtful consideration of any medical needs. For PTAs it is essential to provide customers with guidance when preparing their medication for a journey.

von Jane Funke and Hannelore Gießen

© Foto: Getty Images

A well-equipped first aid travel kit can help the tourist to stay healthy and manage unforeseen situations while on the move. The first aspect to be considered is tailoring medical needs according to the duration of the trip for those taking regular medication. It’s wise to carry a sufficient supply of medica- tions to make sure that they won’t run out whilst travelling.

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Essential medicines should always be packed in the carry-on luggage, especially when travelling by air. This ensures that access is possible during the flight and that they are protected from loss or damage. It’s also advisable to carry a copy of all prescriptions or a letter from the healthcare provider, when travelling internationally.

Well-Prepared for Special Situations

When assembling a travel medication kit, it’s essential to include medications that address common health concerns encountered along the way. The most important ones include pain relievers or analgesics. It’s always good to have something handy to relieve a headache, sore muscles, toothache or menstrual pain. Painkillers containing acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol (in some countries known as acetaminophen) or ibuprofen should be in every first aid kit. Blister packs are preferable, because loose or effervescent tablets may absorb moisture from the atmosphere and become ineffective.

It is diarrhoea that most often takes the enjoyment out of the trip. So, it is important to include something like Loperamide. It is also advisable to take enough oral rehydration therapy.

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Electrolyte Replacement Solutions: Oral rehydration solu- tions or packets of electrolytes can be beneficial in order to replenish minerals, salts and body fluids lost due to diarrhoea, vomiting, or excessive sweating; they help to prevent dehydration.

Antihistamines such as loratadine can be useful to treat allergic reactions, insect bites, or hay fever symptoms.

For those prone to motion sickness, medications such as dimenhydrinate can help alleviate symptoms of nausea and vomiting, particularly on boats or long car rides.

Unfamiliar food and travel can also cause acute constipation. Laxatives can be used short term; they come as suppositories, tablets or syrups. Constipation is best prevented with a high- fibre diet and plenty of fluids

Those with a tendency to suffer from acidity such as heartburn or a burning sensation after consuming spicy or sharp-tasting food and drink should add an antacid to their kit.

Additionally, consider including basic first aid supplies in the travel kit such as adhesive bandages and tape, gauze pads, tweezers and scissors for minor injuries and emergencies.

Well-Prepared for the Sun

Finally, packing a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high sun protection factor (SPF) is of the utmost importance in order to protect against sunburn and reduce the risk of skin damage from prolonged exposure, especially in sunny destinations or during outdoor activities.

The components of a first aid kit are largely a matter of personal choice but expert advice is essential. With this in mind, it is a good idea to suggest that the customer

does a first aid refresher course before setting out. In an emergency, fast action can save lives. One last piece of sound advice concerning nutrition, especially for trips to tropical areas, is the old rule: „Boil it, cook it, peel it or forget it!“.

Jane Funke ist geborene Britin und erstellt als Native Speaker gemeinsam mit Apothekerin Hannelore Gießen seit vielen Jahren die Serie „English for PTA“, die sich mit klassischen OTC-Themen befasst.

Serie English for PTA

01/2024 Antibiotics
03/2024 Hypertension
05/2024 Analgesics
07/2024 Travelling Medication
09/2024 Ophthalmics
11/2024 Dermopharmacy


PTA: Good afternoon, can I help you?

Customer: Yes, please. I’d like some help with what goes into a travel first aid kit.

PTA: Yes, of course. Do you have a specific destination in mind?

Customer: I’m going on a 28-day tour of Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia.

PTA: Wow, that sounds great! Have you arranged an appointment with a travel medicine specialist?

Customer: No – is that necessary?

PTA: It’s a good safety precaution. Your itinerary will be reviewed, required immunization checked and preventative measures discussed to avoid getting diseases transmitted by insects.

Customer: So, I may need vaccinations?

PTA: Just a moment, please, I’ll check for you. Yes, immunization against hepatitis A, tetanus, diphtheria and rabies is generally recommended. Where special risks are involved, even more vaccinations are indicated - perhaps a prophylactic malaria medica-tion, too.

Customer: Okay, when should I see the specialist?

PTA: This depends on your current vaccination state but you should reckon with at least six to eight weeks ahead of your trip. You have to allow time for your body to build up its protection.

Customer: Right, I’ll organize that immediately. What else do I need?

PTA: Diarrhoea is the most frequent problem, so you’ll need something for that and rehydration salts as well. Painkillers such as ibuprofen, para- cetamol or aspirin are a must and maybe oral antibiotics in case of ear, nose, throat or urinary infections. Your doctor would have to prescribe those. Do you get travel sickness?

Customer: Not normally but various types of transport are includ- ed in the tour.

PTA: Then, I’d take a medicine for that to be on the safe side. A hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol or antibacterial handwipes are useful, as are water purification tablets.

Customer: I have no intention of drinking water that isn’t bottled.

PTA: Good. Stay clear of ice cubes, diluted drinks and raw foods. The chances of them being contaminated is quite high.

Customer: Yes, hopefully our tour guide will help us with those.

PTA: You should take sufficient insect repellent. For your planned trip, you will need an active ingredient that we abbreviate DEET. I don’t usually recommend that in Europe because of its toxic potential but in tropical countries with a considerable risk of malaria its effectiveness outweighs the other aspects. You aren’t pregnant, aren’t you?

Customer: No, I’m not pregnant and there are no infants travelling with us. Many thanks for your explanation. Can you show me some sunscreen that is suit-able for the climate in south east Asia?

PTA: Certainly. Good, then the other things you’ll need are an antiseptic wound cleaner, dressingsand what goes into a regular first aid kit: gauze, tweezers, scissors, disposable gloves, face masks and a digital thermometer.

Customer: I have most of those at home. Can we assemble all the other things you mentioned?

PTA: Yes, of course. We’ll start with loperamide for diarrhoea.




to tailor

auf etwas oder jemanden zuschneiden

carry-on luggage



Rezept, Verordnung

to assemble sth.

etwas zusammenstellen

sore muscles


effervescent tablet


to replenish


motion sickness



Obstipation, Verstopfung






äußerte(r,s), allergrößte(r,s)


Reiseplan, Reiseverlauf





to reckon with

mit etwas rechnen

hand sanitizer




to outweigh



Wundauflage, Verband

insect repellent


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